Do Blondes Have More Fun? Aka the 2nd Day of The Rest Of My Life.


I am was a brunette.  No longer. Things are different as of tonight.

I started going grey very early… in my early 30’s.  I went completely grey in my late 30’s. I blame AbFab – as much as I love her, while she lived with me, she stressed me out!  All is well now, but it was bumpy there for a while.

The first time I dyed my hair was a few months before my wedding… over 15 years ago.  As (un)luck would have it, my hair grows fast. So I have thin hair, not much of it, but what I do have grows like a weed.  Which is great until you start going grey at an alarming rate.  For 15 years I have been dying my hair every 3-4 weeks.  When I can make it to the salon I do, sometimes I have to do it myself.  Either way, it’s a pain in the ass and something I was doing religiously because I am (was) self-conscious about the “skunk stripe”.

SIDE RANT:  Why do we have pills for erectile disfunction, but nothing for women going grey??  I know why – because men are scientists, they have the money, say where the money goes… but god damn it, why can’t they invest in research that would deliver a pill that will stop hair from going grey!??! Why!?

Tonight I was at the salon, going for another “Skunk stripe” coverup.  I am sooo fed up with this routine…  I just want to remove this task from my forever growing to-do list.  I have been researching solutions/options on going grey naturally.  A few sites I referenced:

I went in for a discussion… Walked away making a decision.

Instead of going full grey (which I will do one day), I decided to go Blonde.  Yep. Blonde. Bleached Blonde.

So many options, why did I go this route? Because grey isn’t an option for me in this stage of my career.  I just resigned (another blog post soon!) and I need to find full time employment. I am 47 – smart as hell, but being 47 in an industry (tech) where agism is rampant, the cards are already stacked against me. Don’t believe me?  See here, here, and here . Most women are washed up after 35, “too qualified” is what they call it.   I’m lucky I look young and have made it this far.  But shit howdy, if I showed up for an interview with a skunk stripe or with a full head of grey hair…… forgettaboutit.

So now I am a Bleached Blonde.  I do still have a skunk stripe, but it is not nearly as noticeable as it used to be (somehow grey and blonde blend). Why didn’t I also rid myself of the skunk stripe?  Because I want to wait and see.. get over the shock of what I’ve just done, adjust to the blonde…  and figure out the next steps at my next appointment.  Which is in 2 weeks.  In the meantime, I will be using a “purple shampoo” when I wash my hair (forget why this is important) and otherwise conditioning the hell out of my hair (bleaching dries your hair considerably).

My resignation was a choice – I am changing up my life. Worked sucked. Everyday was horrible. I had become depressed, it was having a direct negative impact on my outlook on life.  My manager (a she) was the worst. Talk about microaggression – if there was an Olympic award for this, she would easily win the gold.  I’m wise and financially stable enough to know I don’t have to put up with his.  Yes I went to HR. Over 6 months ago. They did nothing. HR is in place to protect the company… not the employee.  I have so many stories.. and will definitely write more about this.

For now, I am focused on taking care of myself.  I started a 6 week bootcamp to whip my ass back into shape (20 lb weight loss or 6% fat loss guaranteed or my money back!)..  I’ve bleached my hair, and I am searching for a job that I am passionate about (cybersecurity here I come!!)..

So today is the 2nd day of the rest of my life.  Let’s do this adventure together!!

Would love your words of wisdom, tips, tricks, or any advice you have… I could certainly use the support while I transition to a new, healthier, happier way of life.



5 thoughts on “Do Blondes Have More Fun? Aka the 2nd Day of The Rest Of My Life.

  1. Herald Spain August 31, 2018 / 5:39 pm

    Dear Paula,

    I guess the question should be does or will this blonde have more fun. Hair color is one of those strange things that can illicit more emotions than skin color. It is something that can be seen from far away and most of us look at people from the top down. So hair color is the letter that starts a sentence, paragraph or entire book. Most people don’t wear fancy hats any more so your hair is what they usually see first.
    As to turning grey I feel your pain. Being male I had a chance to go down the coloring route when in my late 30s my hair started turning salt a pepper. I did not, had I known that my head would now resemble an SOS pad, without the blue sports I might have. Will never know.
    As to the side rant about a pill to fix your hair color, can you imagine the disclaimed they would need to read at the end of a TV add? May cause, hives, dry mouth, dizziness, loss of vision, hearing, apitite, speech, loss of teeth, skin and hair plus you may die.
    A shitty boss is worse than a really bad tooth ache. It never gets away even when you’ are off. Being miserable at work is no way to he happy and one its less likely to have any fun eat alone more fun. You cant reach the shore if your treading water. Guess its times to swim.

    Be well H. S.


  2. Grey Goose, Dirty August 31, 2018 / 7:04 am

    I’m so excited for you shaking things up in your life! Very brave and will pay off tenfold! 💕 And very sassy on the blonde (we do have more fun, btw…..AND we can pull of greys as ‘highlights’)

    Liked by 1 person

  3. afromomma August 29, 2018 / 11:30 am

    I laughed so hard at your post…witty yet entertaining, good luck on your quest in cybersecurity hot mama.


    • PaulasPonderings August 30, 2018 / 1:59 am

      Thank you!! People think I’m crazy, but hell, we only have one life to live, so I’m going for it! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Joseph Coughlin August 29, 2018 / 9:16 am

    Care to post a picture on Facebook? I’d love to see the new look. I’m rooting for you. Did you leave your current job or are you looking-while-working?


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